Saturday 29 January 2011

... Where the fuck! Where the fuck is Milton Keynes?

   Non-league football at its finest, half empty stands, dodgy hot dogs and made-up-on-the-spot songs on a Friday night. Gateshead lost two-nowt to Wimbledon but I'd been meaning to go and see The Heed play for a while and I'm glad I did.
   Gateshead fans are basically Toon fans without a bus pass. Its one of the few football teams whose rivals are not their closest by geography (Newcastle and Sunderland) or by competition but instead by process of elimination coming to a peak at Blyth Spartans, some forty odd miles away in Northumberland.
   I enjoyed the game actually, we were a tad late in from jumping the Metro but we wouldn't have gone at all if I hadn't been watching the news. Thirteen quid for a Blue Square Premier game isn't bad and the Tynesiders don't half know how to defend. The two AFC goals were lucky and Heed came just as close. The first goal came from a goal mouth scramble, not pretty like but deserved I suppose, the second from an indirect free kick given for what was clearly no way to a back pass and managed to weave it's way through all eleven men on the line.

Gateshead International Stadium
   To be honest, the game was a good 'un, The Heed were robbed and I'd highly recommend it as a night out and an excuse to have a few bevvies on the Metro.
   I was going to take me camera but decided against it last minute, which was daft, so there's no pictures from me. 
   In other lomo-related news, I had Courtney and Louise do me a favour but they only dropped off four of me five negatives meaning I had to take the fifth in the next day, this did allow for a cock up on the staff's part though and in stead of putting them all on a CD, the lass on the counter printed them for me, so I've not got a load of prints for free. Cannit get vexed like but at 25p a print I might get a few more done anyway, start an exchange with wor Sam and post people the better ones.
   On the subject of post, I'm away to the box in the village now so tara!

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