Thursday 20 January 2011

"Education? Maintenance? Allow that!" Says Cameron.

   So Wednesday nights aren't usually the sort of evening you spend in Newcastle shouting at the Northumbria Polit but hey ho, Thursdays aren't usually this boring so perhaps this week's just going to be a bit strange.
   Yesterday parliament voted on "changes" (read "destruction") to the Education Maintenance Allowance or "EMA". Though, how getting rid of anything can be described as a reform is beyond me. The Tory darlings had their way and as such, I wont be getting the thirty quid a week I desperately need from next year.

This is one of my own for a change, I now have a Praktica LTL
   What annoys me more than anything else as regards this topic though, more than any cut to these vital services, more than any defence of it by the Tory foot-soldiers who themselves are on the receiving end of a five-year pay freeze instead of the 2.5% increase they were promised is the complete and utter apathy of students, workers and the unemployed who aren't currently being held at the knife point. This disgusting display of "not my problem"ism is the most down-heartening thing of all. Of course its your problem, to coin Rude Rabbit's speech (one I'm sure will go down in political history with "I Have A Dream" "We Will Fight Them On The Beaches" and "I Know I Have The Body But Of A Weak And Feeble Woman") outside the Topshop in Eldon Square;

"You, woman in the coat that looks incredibly like a sheep. This concerns you!"

   I'm not sure if you're all aware of a section of German history between 1933 and 1945 where gradually anybody who wasn't in line with a status quo was either killed or imprisoned, there's a similar pattern of behaviours from 1945 in soviet Russia under this blowkie Stalin but as hyperbolic as this seems, if you don't stand up now and have your say, if you let this bulldozer flatten your friends, eventually, you become the victim as the Jews of the forties found to their peril.
   Just because it isn't effecting you right now doesn't mean you wont be metaphorically shat on next time round.
   Wake up people, please.

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