Thursday 2 December 2010

Students, students, student.

   Student action day two, Tuesday, 30th of November 2010. Heavy snow across the east coast means Newcastle has eight inches in places and there's something very 1905 about marching in the snow.
   The Monument's surrounded with foreign food outlets for some overpriced Christmas market shite and with no sign of any students yet I head up to Newcastle Uni campus where flags and banners tell me to follow a small crowd who, when we arrive back at the Monument, join a few other small groups and speeches get under way.
   I was thinking, I need my instruments back, live music might liven up the open mic situation.
   I decide I need a sign, so I ask in broken German and French for a box from the guys on the stalls and armed with a empty bratwurst box I return to my spot and ask a passer by for a witty signage idea.

Childish, I know.
   This entertains onlookers all the day through.
   Our march takes us past all the banks and big businesses in the city whose debts we are being asked to pay off and eventually we're kettled by the Uni. Speeches are made. Music is played. We spear head the Polis blockade and try to join the occupation at Newcastle University Fine Arts building.
   A sign emerges reading "please come back later" and some arsey group of anarchists end up ironically leading the group, speeches are made on the campus and we move off. We storm Eldon Square and the security staff get a little bit gun-ho. They decide that sitting down in Fenwicks will xort it out and I walk away. 
   I'm finding this all a bit frustrating, just wandering about, its  mentioned to me that we need to try and occupy a meaningful target so we don't just look like we're causing trouble.
   HSBC by Monument? So we're in, we're making a point, its all going well, the Polis aren't getting too arsey... The children get excited and run upstairs trying to smash a few windows.
   But our point is made.
   Throughout the day there's a few cases of Polis heavy-handedness, the worst of which being a young lass getting a back hand and one of the young Muslim lads being dragged by the neck for hoying a snowball.
   All in all its a good day mind.


  1. ah'm definitely writing you a letter. It will be finalised after these 4 essays, and the revolution.
    Writings still good, by the way. Newcastle doesn't get much press down here, obviously because it would basically be foreign affairs.
    love yer/

  2. I don't mean to be critical, even if it IS creative, but "Is this the the line for Justin Bieber Tickets?" would've been funnier, perhaps.

  3. Also, it WOULD be a Muslim guy, wouldn't it?

  4. Well, aye, it would.

    You clearly haven't met Northumbria Polis.

    And Soren, YAAY!

    This one was shit, sorry.
