Thursday 9 December 2010

Hanx! a f'kin' bunch.

   Parliament today passed the green paper to raise tuition fees to up to £9,000.
   Obviously, as a socialist student, this makes me sad. So much so, I've taken a few moments from typing out my English coursework (don't worry, I've not spent hours writing this) to have a radge. The BBC had their typical mention of "poor polis mans getting hurted!" and "nasty students making fings to throw at the polis" and then the awkward "so... Anyway!" when a sensible, straight-talking bloke has a go on camera about the intensification of the class divide.

"Here, Samantha's right, he has been working out, nice arse Dave,
 hands off Osbourne!"
   I got so angry I put The King Blues on. I haven't had a good rant about the fees yet, but here's my point of view: This isn't our mess, this isn't our fault, we haven't voted, we don't get to vote or voice an opinion but we are aloud to die in Afghanistan, we are aloud to pay taxes if we don't go into A-levels and we are aloud to accumulate £40,000 in debt for trying to better ourselves.
   The ConDem coalition formulated a web page this week declaring several "myths" about the fees. The answers to said myths are revealed when you click on the little angry placards in yet another attempt to belittle the student population. Funnily enough mind, I couldn't for the life of me find the placard reading "Scrapping Trident, ceasing the funding of the Israel Defence Force, pulling out of Afghanistan and generally not being the international relations equivalent of a complete cock would allow the state to completely subsidise higher education and give the working class a chance to educate themselves, achieve class conciousness and revolt."
   Maybe that's not a myth though?
   Anyway, that's not very in depth but it is my view. Have it, share it - sharing is caring after all.
   Me and Ms Peterson have been listening to the SLF album Hanx! for this evening's entertainment between bouts of Tory-aimed rage. The album was recorded almost entirely at Friars in Aylesbury, where I saw them last year and Fish of Marillion wrote the song Market Square Heroes about that night apparently, which is rather bloody wonderful. Check it out and listen to the interview with Jake Burns at the end.
   Have a lovely time without me,

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