Wednesday 8 December 2010

   Right then blog fans! (Sorry, I did try for five minutes solid to try and merge the word "blog" with the word "groupies" to make you all sound much more interesting than you actually are, unfortunately "bloopies" sounds like a six year-old describing breasts and "grouggers" sounds like a Medieval disease)
   So I've been comparably neglecting Fan... Brilliant since I went blog-crazy a week or so ago and a lot's happened in the world of NousAvonsLaRage and current affairs.
   Julian Assange, founder of journalistic light house Wikileaks, has been arrested and refused bail in London on account that he might well buggar off having handed himself in in the first place. The charges against him are of varying degrees of sexual assault from "unlawful coercion" to rape. He is wanted for those offences in Sweden and his details had earlier appeared on InterPol's most wanted list.

... And she pushed me away like this but I forced myself
 down, and then I woke up because it wasn't real!

   Now, considering his website has embarrassed most major world leaders and politicians over the last few weeks, his website first had Amazon pull out as a host and after the infrastructure was put at risk by the huge amount of hacking going on Wikileaks has had to move to a Swiss domain name (, if you're struggling). I'm not pointing the finger of blame, but if there was one, it would be pointing sternly at the US.
   Its fairly obvious to all that the charges against Assange are entirely unfounded, he will be extradited to Stokholm where they will find him not guilty. Unfortunately they'll then say "but you are wanted in the US, we'll just keep those handcuffs on you for a wee while longer." The man is being held for politically motivated reasons and all and sundry have turned up to support his cause.
   In other news, I had a terrible case of writers block this week, a bitch considering I had to write two drafts for English coursework. I've nearly completed the longer, more boring of the two now and the shorter creative writing task is in hand so-to-speak, in that I haven't actually started it but many ideas are written down on various scraps of paper, receipts, bus tickets, used tissues and the backs of my hands.
   In terms of media I am now the only student attempting a film introduction for coursework. The bright side of course is that I now have complete control (even over this song!)... Over the outcome of the piece, so long as I find people who can act, or even just one, its only the first two minutes and characterisation is a large part of it in terms of following a style model. 
   I have a new laptop called Clarence Peterson the Compaq Presario, Ms Peterson to you. She's lovely and nice.
   In other technological news, I have started a fortnight of social network abstinence and so I wont be on Facebook for two weeks, in short. This is intended to help me concentrate as I have all but been diagnosed with ADHD. I stress that's not a medical opinion, just my own and that of anyone who's ever had to speak to me. What's happened is I've spent a lot more time laughing at penises on Omegle.
   And on that note I will love and leave you all, have a superb time between now and the next time I bother publishing, take care, bye, bye, bye... Bye... Bye! xxx

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