Sunday 14 November 2010

Students of the UK unite, you've nothing to loose but your education, civil rights and your pocket money, you naughty boys.

   I love the internet, its fantastic, the internet has found me a place to stay, made me new friends and made me famous on a very small scale. The internet has kept me in contact with my friends, found my old ones and gotten me more acquainted with brief acquaintances. The internet is also an excuse to find the weird and the wonderful, wasting hours on end.
   Unfortunately, some of the internet holds the views of people we disagree with and occasionally, in moments of weakness, we can't help ourselves. To be honest, they're usually held by folks we don't like and so when we tell them what we think, we couldn't give less of a shiny shit if it bothers them and now that I've moved away and their opinions don't affect me socially I'm even less bothered, nice knowing you.
   Y'see, the thing is, I don't care and don't see why I should really, if I don't like somebody I'm too tempted just to tell them, sod the niceties.
   Anyway, that was just one highlight of the week. What else has happened?
   Went out with me aunty mid-week and got drunk in the Washy Arms, went round me da's Friday night and got drunk and I went out mid-week with the lads and got parred, strongly so. Other than that its only really been college and laughing at the telly.

Possibly better than "overthrow capitalism and replace it with something nicer."

   I'd have been there too, if only I'd've had the time, the opportunity, I'd have been there alongside my comrades smashing those bastards' windows. Oh the beauty of it all, the stunning panic on the faces of the Met as they failed whole-heartedly to hold back the pure anguish of the student population. There'll be more of course, and I'll be there. The Tories are going to struggle and the Lib Dems are finished.
   The issue of course is the way in which the media have portrayed those few as naughty school children, the bright side is that when the unemployed burn down their houses they'll be more careful with their words because this is not the end of civil unrest amongst those hit by slashes in the public sector.
   So yeah, that's that.
   I found myself on Youtube shouting at Abdul Salaam in Bradford, that was fun, and  there's this awesome punk cover of Bandiera Rossa by Pankrti as two more examples of internet brilliance but maybe I wont just be nice to everybody from now on.
   Oh, and a hello to Ashley. Thanks for loving this.
- Nous.

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