Friday 26 November 2010

Caution, this is the wind, you two play nicely.

   Although she wanted it to be, this blog is not solely on the topic of wor ever subtle Grogz but I am going to throw caution to the wind.
   Okay, so I'm doing it, I'm blogging but not on a Sunday, I know its new and scary and many of you may not like it but tough shit, I have too many things not to blog. You might not even get one on Sunday, then again, you might. The point is I am no longer tying myself to a fixed day of blogging, thou shalt now bloggeth on any day thou liketh.
   So I've started to think of song lyrics and I should probably write them down, they just appear in my head and usually about stuff I care to care about - ladies, politics, the football, getting drunk... This isn't particularly new, I've written songs before and music too, to an extent, but they've always been slow in coming and few and far between but now there're many things in my head. I just need my instruments back so I can musicalise them!
   It's started snowing up here of course. You'll all know this because weather is now the news and not, as is traditional in broadcasting, the f'kin' weather. In fact, Tyne Tees TV had the audacity to announce "tonight's top new story; the weather" which leaves me questioning why they had to send three weather folks to Jesmond Dene, Morpeth and the borders just to make sure it was snowing and yet still have that smiley mackem toss-pot and anorexic aald whore in the studio. But maybe I'm too easily angered.

And bears shit in the woods, read all about it!

   The first round of education cut walkouts were on Wednesday if memory serves and I couldn't make it. That was a bit shit but there's another lot on Tuesday! Which is all good. Two sets of national demonstrations in less than a week. Yum. I'm trying to get together a group from college to attend and a few of these lovely people seem up for it. I look forward to marching through Nye'casel toon centre in the snow with thousands of others, especially as last week's were the biggest the city had seen in years.
   In other political news, there's a team of guys occupying the Fine Arts building at the University of Newcastle, the afore mentioned Hufi is one of them and the blogspot is here. Read it, link it, show solidarity.
   So I need to move me doctor's appointment so I can unite and fight on Tuesday and I need to do a load of coursework before then too, it'll be fine, they're first drafts of stuff and short essays, calm down Mammy Stiles.
   I impressed the staff in Washington Village Chippy this week when I reached over and double wrapped me chips for the cold weather with professional skill. If there's one thing my time at Hi-Tide to taught me its how to wrap a bag a' chips properly. Not that that's a skill which will help me in any other career like, not one I'll be putting in me personal statement and maybe not me CV but all the same, a skill.
   The whole post thing: I haven't mentioned on here but I've got a bit Matt Woodley and decided that post is way cool and so I'm now many folks's postal correspondent, which is nice. Its far more productive to sit and write a letter than it is to send a text and my handwriting has to improve, as well as me spelling and grammar. And letters are cool, so shurr'up man.
   I've also been thinking of tattoo designs, I'm big into the idea of the chorus to L'Internationale atop a red star on the left of my chest, big curvasive font, likesay. Lovely.

C'est la lutte finale,
Groupons-nous et demain,
Sera le genre humain.

   And so between my grandmother's wrath for the Clay's Garden Centre advert and putting my beers in the snow for saving on 'lecky, I've decided this blog will now be spontaneous, let's not hope I piss it in the north easterly breeze. Be warned, see you Tuesday.

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