Sunday 17 October 2010

I bloody love days like this.

   Its amazing how relaxed you can be on a Sunday. Coffee Republic is a lovely place, one of those few places in Aylesbury where you can sit for hours and not be bothered by anybody, the music doesn't loop too much, its quiet and student-friendly-ly cheap (Toby, this is a adjective to adverb neologism, calm down).
   Today's been cool, bright and refreshing like any Sunday should be and this has lead me to a brilliant conclusion.
   Every day should be a Sunday!
   Not just a month of Sundays but an eternity of Sundays, every day, forever a Sunday and forever like this one. The papers are better, people are happier, coffee house music doesn't grind on the ear and the stresses of life melt away into the sunlight playing through the window across a tea-stained copy of The Bucks Herald.
   Everyday would go like this:
   Get up at about happast nine, ten o'clock, put on a T-shirt and go downstairs; make toast and watch some cartoons; head up town to a quiet corner and do a few hours work; have a sandwich; do some more work; leave at five and head to the pub to watch the football (all kickoffs are happast five); have a few more drinks, get a takeaway and not worry about the weight or the hangover because of the supernatural phenomenon of nothing mattering on a Sunday.
   Perfect, eh?
   Today's a lovely day and if tomorrow was Sunday it would be even better, its that time of year when during the day it's either just warm enough for a T-shirt or just cold enough for a woolly jumper and at night its cold enough for a big coat and a vest and clear enough to see the stars. It might be the soppy romantic inside me but I bloody love it (Keegan voice).
   The crispness of the leaves and the roll of the conkers underfoot, the freshness of the air on your face and the warming sunshine in a a still, windless park.
   Time seems to go slower, as if there's twenty-five hours in the day, you can afford to take your time and still have everything done; lie in the bath for that extra five minutes, have a proper shave, mess about with your hair, have another coffee,walk around in a circle just to see something again and read things you already know but be interested nonetheless.
   I want everyday to be just like this.

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