Sunday 19 September 2010

Help for... Horses?

   I love pissing people off, me like. This week it was the moral majority again, spouting their usual shite about Afghanistan. Specifically, about the charity Help for Heroes.
   As head of house at school, myself and my female counterpart (no, not like that) have the duty, to some extent, of choosing a charity for the house to raise funds for. Unbeknown to me was that she had put forward and basically agreed on Help for Heroes, a charity I have one or two issues with...
   Brace yourselves...
   First and foremost, use of the term "heroes"; what exactly is it that soldiers serving in Afghanistan do that warrants the label "heroic"? "Putting their lives on the line for your safety, rights and freedoms" according to most people, but what safety? I was unaware that I would be unsafe without the war going on, this points to the consequences of the war, the effect it has on me, is in some way safer than the state I'd be in without the imperialist invasion.
   So, cheaper fuel, lower taxes and three hundred odd young men and women not being dead is more dangerous than the reverse of this situation?
   Okay, so let's try my rights. My rights to what? That's right! My rights to other people's land, dignity and oil, my right to drop bombs on schools, mosques and hospitals and my right to Islamiphobia and to shoving my own British brand of democracy into somebody else's similarly broken system! Thank fuck for "Our boys" then eh?
   So are they pulling me over with freedom? No, no they're fucking not, what freedom do I have the right to that warrants them committing atrocities on the other side of the world? If they were fighting to the freedoms which I deem myself entitled to, they'd by in Parliament Square with the guns facing the door.
   Secondly, oh yes, "secondly", don't even think we're done yet, Help for Heroes is hugely backed by The Sun newspaper, The Sun is owned by NewsCorp which is owned by Aussie TV Hitler himself Rupert Murdoch. As a result, The Sun supports the Tory Party in their attack on the public sector that can't cope with the returning injured from the middle-east as it is and as a result HfH has to step in; when Jason Manford pointed this out on stage at a HfH concert the BBC, his employer, censored it. In a nut-shell, supporting HfH is encouraging the savage cuts in the public sector and the planned replacement of public spending in some services, such as youth clubs, with charities. All sounds well and good but why do we pay taxes? It's a system that doesn't work.
Two examples of  vicious circles.
   And lastly, HfH, as I said, is massive, it's funded by The Sun, it just held a 60,000 sell-out gig at Twickenham, I hardly think that Nightengale House's £200 will make a huge difference.
   £200 to a child with no family, no home and no future as a consequence of insurgency on the streets on Basra, however, that's a different story. What about he Solidarity for Palestine Campaign even? I doubt these will be taken seriously as ideas though, the school can be seen as politically motivated now, can it? Fucking ridiculous.

   In other news this week, The Electro-Possums are now recording artists! We started recording at Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School Friday gone and intend to record every Friday from here on in, referring to it as "The Henry Sessions", because it makes us sound cool.
   And myself, Jarrod and Elliot are currently in talks about starting to actually produce a comic book for Bag-Man, Tape-Boy and Reallydoesn'tlikespidersman.
   See you all next week, thanks for bothering to look at this again.
- Nous.

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